WE FINANCE ALL CREDIT!! BAD CREDIT OK!! NO CREDIT OK!! FIRST TIME BUYERS OK!! NO SOCIAL OK!! REPO OK!! 100%APPROVAL. CLEAN INSIDE AND OUT, CLEAN TITLE, 5 SPEED MANUAL TRANSMISSION, GREAT ON GAS, AM/FM CD, WELL MAINTAINED, PAINT LOOKS GOOD, 4 GOOD TIRES AND MUCH MORE. There are no electrical problems with this vehicle. No defects. We have found no door dings on this vehicle. There is a properly functioning engine in this vehicle. This vehicles exterior is clean. Vehicle has never been smoked in. The condition of the interior is clean. Actual miles. The transmission shifts like it was new. There is no damage present on this vehicle. COME TAKE IT FOR A TEST DRIVE. YOU WILL LOVE IT...GUARANTEE. WE FINANCE ALL CREDIT!! BAD CREDIT OK!! NO CREDIT OK!! FIRST TIME BUYERS OK!! NO SOCIAL OK!! REPO OK!! 100%APPROVAL *we at z motors take pride at what we do, we established at 2008 and been in the car business for more than 23 yrs. satisfied customer is our number 1 goal... when you buy a car we will make sure you will be happy, we will provide you with the carfax and we can assure you that all of our cars are clean title. even after the sale we will make sure you are happy with your purchase and want you to know you can always come to us with any problem. all of our cars get checked before delivery to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your purchase. *price does not include tag tax and fees. price showing is based on cash price only, finance available. Call 954-987-7676 for more information. open 6 days a week mon-sat 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. There are no electrical problems with this vehicle. No defects. We have found no door dings on this vehicle. There is a properly functioning engine in this vehicle. This vehicles exterior is clean.
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